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Monday, August 04, 2014

CERIMAN ENGLISH OLYMPIAD stage 3 (Edisi Agustus 2014)

Time : 07.00 PM - 10.00 PM Each question has 20 point (max point = 400)
Regulations :
You have to send your answers to inbox of this page. Don't forget to
write your registration number on your answers. No registration
number = no evaluation.
Choose the best answers !
  1. Cureless and dumping of … waste into the Ciliwung river has caused serious water pollution. A. Industry B. Industrialist C. Industrialized D. IndustrialE. Industrialize
  2. The manager was frustrated when he learnt of the … result of the training course.
A. Disappointment
B. Disappointing
C. Disappoint
D. Disappointed
E. Disappointingly
3. It’s believed that … city of
Ambon will take a long time to
A. The damage is tremendously
B. It is tremendously damaging
C. The tremendously damaged
D. It is tremendously damaged
E. The tremendously damaging
4. There will be ….. in this town
next month.
A. An-essential-five days
B. An-essential-five-day
C. An-essential-five-days
D. Essential five days convention
E. An-essentials-five-day
5. Agus looked awful because of his
lacking of sleep. He wished …..
A. He had not stayed up so late
B. He stayed up so late
C. He would have not stayed up so
D. He had been stayed ups so late
E. He would have stayed up so late
6. My teacher is usually late for
class, but he has been on time this
week. The head master ….. him
some advice.
A. Has to give
B. Would have given
C. Ought to have given
D. Might given
E. Must have given
7. … the bad weather, he still
chooses to go by airplane.
A. Although
B. However
C. Despite
D. While
E. For
8. “Why does the secretary have to
work overtime?”
“Her boss ….”
A. Make the letter retyped
B. Has her to retype the letter
C. Make her to retype
D. Has been retyping
E. Has the letter retyped
9. We have our neighbor checks our
house whenever we go on vacating.
This means that every time we go
on vacation, …..
A. We first check the house with
our neighbor
B. We do not let our neighbor check
our house
C. Our neighbor comes to check our
D. We have checked our neighbor’s
E. We ask someone to check our
neighbor’s house
10. Dody has very ……. Mind, he
will be a good scientist.
A. Analyze
B. Analyst
C. Analytical
D. Analysis
E. Analyzing
11. … of human resources is
interviewing applicants.
a. Director
b. The director
c. A director
d. Directors
12. Honey is the only form of
naturally occurring sugar that … to
be refined.
a. Does not
b. Does not have
c. Not having
d. Has not
13. The art of singing is …
a. As old
b. Old as
c. As old as
d. So old
14. Mom and Dad just left for the
airport twenty minutes ago, so
they … there yet.
a. Can’t have gotten
b. Shouldn’t have gotten
c. Had better have gotten
d. Could have gotten
15. The more I think about the
philosophy, ….
a. The less I understand it
b. I like it less
c. Better I like it
d. It likes better
16. Indonesian … soup with rice.
a. Accustomed to eat
b. Are accustomed to eating
c. Have the custom to eat
d. Are customing in drinking
17. Let’s go, … ?
a. Don’t we
b. Aren’t we
c. Shall we
d. Did we
18. Maddi Jane seems … the point
you were making.
a. Having understood
b. To have understood
c. Miss understood
d. Miss understanding
19. The situation was so
uncontrollable that I can’t ….
a. Put it on
b. Put up with it
c. Put it off
d. Put it up
20. She could not make up her …
whether to continue or not.
a. Mind
b. Heart
c. Head
d. soul

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