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Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb 

Materi kita pada pertemuan ini adalah Invitation Expression setelah kemarin tentang Formal Invitation. Invitation expression biasanya digunakan jika kita mengundang orang lain secara langsung atau secara lisan. 

 The following are expressions to make invitations and responses in Formal Situation. 

Invitation Expression

  • I am wondering if  you could attend the seminar. 
  • Would you like to  attend my brother's graduation party? 
  • I would be very happy if you could see my live performance on a TV station.
  • We would be delighted if  you could share your happiness with us.
  • We would be please if you could come to the soft opening of my boutique. 
Kata yang pakai warna Hijau  adalah contoh dari Invitation Expression atau Ungkapan undangan / mengundang.  Nah,  untuk undangan ada yang menerima ataupun menolak. Berikut contoh expresi tersebut. 

Accepting Invitation

  • That's very kind of you
  • We'd like very much to attend the party
  • Thank you very much for inviting me
  • It's delightful to see your live performance. 

Declining Invitation

  • I'm really sorry, I don't think I can attend it. 
  • I'd like to, but I have no spare time. 
  • I'm afraid I can't
  • Thank you for inviting me, but I've had another appointment. 

Silakan dicatat di buku catatan atau simpan link ini untuk belajar nanti.  Tulisan kalian tidak perlu dikirim ya. 

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