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Wednesday, January 06, 2021


 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ


3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksi lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan  sebab akibat sesuai dengan konteks kegunaannya.

4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

🔎Meeting 6

Pada pertemuan 6 ini,  mari kita tonton video berikut tentang Cause and Effect. Selamat menyaksikan.

🔎Meeting 7

With a partner, read the conversation given below.

: Hi Rafli! What are you doing?
: Hey Tasya! I am reading an article on smoking.
: Smoking. Why?
: For presentation in Science class.
: So tell me what you learnt about smoking.
: Did you know that smoking is one of the main causes of sickness in smokers? For example:
1. Smoking weakens the lungs due to which there is a build up of poisonous substance.
2. Smoking causes heart attack, strokes, ulcers.
: Really? It sounds scary.
: It is! If we do not educate people about effects of smoking, there will be a lot of people suffering from these diseases.
: You are right. We have to do it.

Definition Cause and Effect

Cause Means: 
  • The reason or motivate for an action 
  • Why something happens
  • Happen first
Effect Means
  • Result or conclusion of an action
  • What's happened
  • Happen due to a cause

Function Cause and Effect

*To find a cause, ask, why did this happen?
*To find an effect, ask, what happen?
   It rained, so I get wet.

Signal Words

When we talk about cause, we use the following signal words:
When we talk about effect resulting from a certain cause, we use the following signal words:
As a result
The reason for
On account of
Bring about
For this reason
Give rise to
Created by
Contributed to
Led to
Due to
For this reason
In order to


Cause and Effect Relationship
Sumatran tigers are almost extinct because people killed too many of them.
Cause: People killed too many of them
Effect: Sumatran tigers are almost extinct
Haze is caused by massive forest burning.
Cause: Massive forest burning
Effect: Haze
Since they are in love, they forgive each other mistakes
Cause: They are in love
Effect: They forgive each other mistakes
Early man learnt to grow food, and as a result, their lives became easier.
Cause: Early man learnt to grow food
Effect: Their lives became easier
  • Let’s talk a look at the sentence structure of cause and effect. Due to, because of, owing to, and thanks so are followed by a noun
Due to
Because of
Owing to
Thanks so

    Because, since, as, for are followed by a verb.
Due to
Subject + verb
Because of
Owing to
Thanks so

  1. Owing to her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy. Thanks to Siti and John’s effective planning, the event went well.
  2. Because of his hard work, he managed to get the best student award.
  3. I have a stomachache because I ate to much food.
  4. There was a lot of homework and test, as a result most of the students were unhappy and couldn’t go anywere during the weekend.

🔎Meeting 8

Cause and Effect in Paragraph

Pada pertemuan sebelumnya, kita telah belajar tentang cause and effect dalam kalimat. Nah, kali ini kita akan belajar tentang cause and effect dalam paragraf dan kita juga akan menentukannya dalam gambar, terserah kita mau gambar apa. Ibu contohkan gambar dari sebuah pohon.

Example Teks tentang Cause and Effect

Smoking is very dangerous for your health. First smoking can cause lung disease. This is because the smoke from nicotine is actually toxic into the human lungs while we know that lung function itself is a respiratory filter. This can cause chronic respiratory problems Secondly, smoking can cause cancer, more than 60 chemicals contained in cigarettes are carcinogens or cause cancer, which is very harmful to the human body, and the third one can also cause other diseases such as; heart, stoke, hypertension, diabetes, wrinkled skin, and pregnancy / fetal disorders. Therefore, nowadays smoking has begun to be appealed to be reduced.
Kita buat gambarnya seperti dibawah ini.

🔎Meeting 9

Buka link berikut untuk menjawab soal latihan CAUSE AND EFFECT EXERCISE 

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